Manor Farm Solar Farm

We have now submitted our proposals for Manor Farm Solar Farm to Wakefield Council. If you would like to make comments on the application, please go to Wakefield Council’s Planning Portal using the reference 24/00512/FUL.

Alternatively, please use the link here to make your comments.

Introducing Manor Farm Solar Farm

Firma Energy and ib vogt are proposing to develop a Solar Farm on land at Manor Farm, South of Church Lane and West of Raven Lane, Felkirk, Wakefield. The Solar Farm is expected to generate in the region of 30MWac of renewable energy, the proposed development shall produce enough renewable energy to provide electricity for circa 9,000 households per annum. The CO2 displacement of the annual electricity production of the generating station is approximately 28,347 tonnes compared to the same annual electricity being generated by fossil fuels, equivalent to 4,844 cars taken off the road.

The Site

The proposed site for the solar farm will be on 39.1ha (96 acres) land at Manor Farm, south of Church Lane and west of Raven Lane, Felkirk, Wakefield, with the point of connection at Monckton Substation being adjacent to the site.

The proposed site location sits within a semi-rural landscape which has hedgerows and trees to provide screening. Though located in the Green Belt, the site is not subject to any statutory landscape, heritage or ecological designations. To inform the project and subsequent planning application, site surveys and further assessments will be completed to fully assess all the site considerations in developing our proposals alongside the public feedback received.

The proposed site access, including construction traffic, is to be taken off Lund Hill Lane, Church Lane and Raven Lane. This access will then be used for maintenance vehicles for the lifetime of the Solar Farm.

The Benefits

• Assisting Wakefield Council to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with local, national and international targets and its declared Climate and Biodiversity Emergency.

• It will contribute towards the security of energy supply in West Yorkshire through the provision of local, renewable energy supply via Northern Powergrid electricity network (the local Distribution Network Operator (DNO)).

• Careful consideration has been given to the development to minimise effects on landscape, heritage or ecological designations.

• This is a temporary development and at the end of the solar farm’s life (35-40 years) all equipment will be dismantled, removed from site and largely recycled. A solar farm allows agricultural land to rest during the operation period and at the end of the temporary planning permission it will be restored to its original status at the end of the project life.

• A generous scheme of landscape planting is proposed which will also deliver significant ecological improvements for the project, ensuring the project provides a substantial biodiversity net gain.

• Provide jobs during construction, operation and decommissioning stages.

Thank you to everyone who attended our public consultation event on 22 November 2022.

Consultation boards are now available to download here

Public Consultation Event

Climate Emergency

To rapidly address the impacts of climate change, in May 2019, a national climate change emergency was declared by the UK Parliament. MPs called on the Government to make changes that included setting a new target of reaching net zero emissions before 2050. On June 27th, 2019, the UK Parliament approved the net zero target in law, thereby changing the original target of 80% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (compared to 1990) in the UK to 2050 to 100%.

Wakefield Council is committed to tackling climate change, the Council declared a ‘Climate Emergency’ in May 2019. The Council has pledged to become a carbon neutral council by 2030. This means having a net zero carbon footprint, and it aims to help the entire district achieve this goal too by 2038.

Founded in 2021 by Rufus Salter and Andrew Jones, Firma Energy is an independent management owned business, based in Leeds. The business has a focus on creating and delivering value from renewable energy developments with environmental and social benefits.

Across the UK Firma currently has projects totalling over 1800 MW in development, including 300 MW of solar.

For more information on Firma Energy please visit our website.

ib vogt (IBV) is a leading developer specialising in utility-scale infrastructure for solar photovoltaic (PV) farms and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS). With a 20-year history of global expertise, they have been a significant player in the UK solar industry, holding the position of the second-largest solar developer in the country from 2012 to 2017 and with over 40GW of development projects in the pipeline globally.

IBV are committed to sustainable energy and high-quality local development, a commitment solidified by their participation in the UN Global Compact. With over 490MWp of solar operations in the UK, their projects are designed and delivered with consideration for communities at their core. Through transparent communication and investment in local employment, they strive to empower local resilience while addressing the global challenges of climate change. Their focus on development and engineering excellence supports IBV’s mission to create a greener future through renewable energy solutions.

Summer 2022

Pre-Planning and preparation

Autumn 2022

Consultation Event held at Notton Village Hall

Spring-Summer 2023

Finalising of proposal and site design

Winter 2023/24

Submission of planning application

Project Timeline

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